![]() This morning I woke up tired. Exhausted. For good reason. My family and I were out at a Red Sox game last night. It was one of those days that didn't start out looking like it would be a nice night to watch a ballgame, but it ended up being pitch perfect weather. And, despite not knowing most of the basics about baseball--like rules, jargon, who the players are, stats and such--I really enjoy a game at Fenway Park in my favorite city of Boston! The walk-out songs for the players and the intermittent song samples in between plays gives me reason to dance in my seat and feel like I'm out at a dance club and yet . . . I'm sitting (haha:) and the songs don't last long so there's no getting sick of one particular song or sweating on the dance floor. Oh--and there's a ball game going on and depending on how good it is, you can tune in or out of it at will. The peddlers are walking around with various snacks and drinks balanced on their heads. I LOVE THAT!! In the midst of the world's attempt to make everything electronic--super annoying--Fenway Park insists on clinging to some of that traditional human element that really makes it a creature all its own. And it feels so alive in there. People getting in and out of seats at all times, peddlers crawling around the aisles hoisting over their heads: hotdogs, lemonade, chowder, popcorn, beer, pizza, cotton candy and whatever else they think fans might want. The hotdog guy is most impressive with that heavy, metal container of steaming dogs and rolls safely outside the vat so they don't get soggy. $7 will get you a dog in a fresh bun, wrapped and with one packet of mustard. Not much to pay for nostalgic-and-nitrate-filled magic from my husband's youth delivered to his seat:) ![]() I can't claim to be a baseball fan, but I am definitely a Fenway Park fan. The energy is an automatic mood lifter. Participating in the wave and singing Sweet Caroline off key is something you have to experience. Even the construction of the building, with its cement and steel painted green, feels so real as you walk around and you're inside and outside at the same time--inside a city and yet outside of it, too. I love it! So, now. It's May 31st. I'm tired. It's Friday. I want to have a nice cup of tea and write in my journal. --to not really think or have to make sense quite yet. But, wait!! I finished the journal I was writing in yesterday morning. I'm pretty sure I bought several journals last time I purchased one. I even found the website for my favorite journal company, Studio Oh!, and got them delivered to my house. So. Where. Are they? Even. Just. One? No. I'm out of journals. Like someone who craves coffee or something sweet in the evening. I'm searching around unconvinced I can't have a single journal ready to call into action. Coffee and chocolate lovers? You know what I'm talking about as you open cabinets, refrigerator doors, check your favorite stashing locations telling herself there has to be one coffee's worth of grounds . . . one forgotten piece of chocolate--SOMEWHERE!! And after looking at the same locations you already looked you realize there is none. ![]() I have already cued up several journals online to be delivered, but not this morning. Not today. So, what does a girl who needs a journal like a morning cup of coffee do? Well, I look at the list of "to do"s that I did not want to do and decide to do them. Ugh! The good news is that this is the second thing on my list and now it's done. And was that so hard? No. Did I even enjoy it? Yes. So, why do I procrastinate doing it every month until the last day of the month? I don't know that I have a good answer for that. I think it's just easier, safer to write in my journal and know that it is only for me. Spelling mistakes are not an issue. Substituting the wrong word is obsolete--and my least favorite writing mistake: not adding "not" before a word so that the meaning of the sentence is actually the opposite of what I meant to write. Fictional example to give you an idea of what I mean: "I do not like bunnies." becomes "I do like bunnies." (Sorry bunny fans. I currently do not like bunnies since they eat everything in my garden down to the nub.) Here is my blog for May. Is it amazing? Let's say, sure:) It's a blog. My thoughts as I think them. A concept that is simple but not always easy. Musings I usually capture in my journals. Go get yourself a journal. It will pair perfectly with your cup of tea or coffee --or that hidden piece of chocolate! |
January 2025